Code of Professional Conduct
The Paralegal Society is not a Regulator. However it lays down a Code of Professional Conduct which acts to ensure its Members professional activity adheres to a unified standard. In this way the Public and their professional colleagues are reassured that they can expect Members to act in a professional manner. All Members of the Society agree to abide by the Code of Professional Conduct and can be subject to Disciplinary action if they are in breach of the Code.
The Code of Professional Conduct
In this Code of Professional Conduct the words listed below shall have the following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:
"The Society" - means The Paralegal Society of The Limes, Bayshill Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. GL50 3AW.
"Membership" - means the period of time (usually 12 months) that a Member remains in good standing.
"The Member" - means the individual or business approved for Membership, during the period of their Membership.
“Member in
good standing” – means a Member who has been accepted by the Society to hold a Membership grade, paid their Membership fees and
has agreed to abide by the Society’s Terms of Membership and the Code of Professional Conduct.
“Terms of
Membership”- means the agreement between the Society and each Member for the operational management of the Society.
"The Code" - means this Code of Professional Conduct as it applies to Members.
“Privacy Laws”- means the UK General Data Protection Regulation; the Data Protection Act and the Privacy & Electronic
Communications Regulations as currently amended.
“CPD”- means Continuing Professional Development which is determined as a number of hours per year depending on
Membership grade.
This Code of Professional Conduct is deemed to be included in the Terms of Membership.
The Society requires all Members to adhere to the Code in relation to their professional conduct, whether they are engaged in employment or self-employment.
The Society may take disciplinary action in accordance with the Disciplinary Code against Members found to be in breach of the Code.
The Society recognises the different Professional Membership grades allocated to Members based on their qualifications and experience and will take these matters into consideration when deciding matters of discipline.
Members shall deal with the General Public, their professional colleagues and all other lawyers in an honest and trustworthy manner.
Members shall accurately represent their qualifications, experience, and credentials to clients, colleagues and the public.
Members shall only work within the privileges and limitations of their qualifications and experience.
Members shall maintain the confidentiality of client information and privileged communications, both during and after the termination of the professional relationship.
Members shall exercise discretion and care in handling sensitive information and ensure that client confidentiality is safeguarded at all times.
Members shall abide by the Privacy Laws currently in force.
Members shall strive to maintain a high level of competence in their areas of practice through ongoing education, training, and professional development.
Members shall comply with the Continuing Professional Development requirements of their Membership grade and diligently pursue opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills.
Legal Services and Clients
Members shall make their status as a Paralegal clear to clients.
Members shall not hold themselves out or represent to anyone that they are a Solicitor or a Barrister.
Members shall not claim to be a Member of the Paralegal Society unless they are a Member in Good Standing.
Members shall not claim to be Regulated by the Paralegal Society.
Members shall not conduct ‘reserved legal activity’ except under the supervision of a qualified individual or when they are themselves
qualified and regulated by the appropriate body e.g. Council for Licensed Conveyancing/Office of the Immigration Commissioner
Members shall strive to meet deadlines, communicate promptly and effectively with clients and colleagues and pursue legal matters with dedication and commitment.
Members shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and the Society’s Code of Professional Conduct concerning their practice of law and the provision of legal services.
Members shall uphold the rule of law and promote access to justice while adhering to ethical principles and the Society’s Code of
Professional Conduct
Conflicts of Interest
Members shall avoid conflicts of interest that may compromise their professional judgment or the interests of their clients.
Members shall promptly disclose any potential conflicts of interest to affected parties including employers and take appropriate measures to mitigate or resolve such conflicts.
Members shall exercise independent professional judgment and avoid undue influence or pressure from any external sources that may compromise their objectivity or integrity.
Members shall take responsibility for their actions and decisions, acknowledging and rectifying any errors or omissions promptly and transparently.
Members shall cooperate with the Paralegal Society or other appropriate authority in the investigation of complaints or allegations of professional misconduct and participate in remedial actions as necessary.
Members shall conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the dignity, reputation, and public trust of the legal profession and the Paralegal Society.
Members shall refrain from engaging in conduct that may bring disrepute to themselves, their colleagues, the Paralegal Society or the profession as a whole both in their professional and private life.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
All members must be covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance, either as an employee of an organisation or self-employed in their own right.
Self-employed Members Professional Indemnity Insurance should cover their work for claims of at least £1 Million for any one claim.
Continuing Professional Development
All members must undertake CPD in order to remain suitably and sufficiently adept at their job to advise others.
The Society requires Affiliate members to undertake at least 8 hours of CPD annually.
The Society requires Full Members to undertake at least 10 hours of CPD annually.
The Society requires Fellow members undertake at least 12 hours of CPD annually.
All members must keep a CPD record in a permanent format whether hard copy or electronically for inspection upon request by the Society.
It is a condition of Membership that CPD records are kept, failure to do so may be considered a breach of this Code.
Code approved and active from 1st April 2024